Hoping my designs and projects will add a little light to your life!

Friday, March 19, 2010

One Step Closer

I am one step closer to getting things ready to go. I have applied for and received a tax number. Now I am just waiting for my resale certificate to come in the mail.

It's a little scary, but I am also excited. I have set the date to officially start my business on May 1, 2010.

I am going to spend the next 6 weeks organizing and making samples of my items that I want to sell.

Check back soon! Hopefully things will go well and I will be ready to go on that date!

Until then, visit my sewing blog at Fairy Dust Musings...because it's going to take a little fairy dust and a lot of magic to help me get some projects done.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Soon Open for Business

Hi! Thanks for checking out my blog!

Lightening Bug Designs is a new sewing and crafting business. I am in the planning and setting up process, so please check back in about a month (or sew) to see what I have coming up.

I will feature homemade items such as custom baby bedding, children's clothing, quilting and other crafting and sewing ideas!

I love following other blogs. There are so many creative people out in the world wide web! You inspire me!

Until I am up and running at this location, visit me at Fairy Dust Musings...where magic happens!